Thursday, May 6, 2010

Kumusta Pamilya!

Hey! Life in the MTC is great! Thank you so much for the package. I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Sorry to say that I don’t have a the sushi was a bit of a challenge. That package brought a lot of humor into the day. I got the package later that evening, so I tried to refrigerate the sushi by hanging it outside my window by a hanger. Sad to say all the ice melted inside, so wet sushi doesn’t smell that great. Any way. Today was awesome I went back to the temple and did initiatory. I’m glad I could rehear all the wonderful blessings and things that are promised. Hey dad thanks so much for the letter about Adam and Eve. It made me understand the 2nd lesson on the plan of salvation much more. Mtc life is awesome. I particularly like Sunday nights because you get to watch a church movie with thousands of immature elders. If you want to know if a movie is cheesy or not, come to the Mtc. You'll hear a woot and a holler out of every mouth if a pioneer kisses another pioneer or a Nephite tells another girl Nephite that he knows her name. Its a good laugh.
I got 2 new teachers. which is odd because usually you have the same 2 teachers all mtc long. Both my teachers were quitting. I was nervous at first, but its been a blessing. the two new teachers are awesome. They strictly talk to us in Tagalog so we are hanging onto every word trying to see what they said.
we have 14 sisters in my zone now. which is amazing. 14 sisters and like 26 elders. A new district came in so were no longer the young ones. Jillyn came in also but she is in a different zone than me. after you've been here for 3 weeks you have to start writing a talk in Tagalog each Sunday, and then the branch president will randomly pick people to give it. I struggled last Sunday writing my talk, and I was astonished at my progress when I sat down to write my talk this Sunday. I cant even feel the progress, but it was amazing to see that difference. Oh yeah. and the branch president called me to talk Sunday. I knew he would though. And I loved every minute of it. I spoke about the book of Mormon. An elder in the younger district came up and said he appreciated my talk, I think it was probably because I gave hope that it is possible to learn the language. The older districts leave soon. I’m sure these next couple Sundays the talks we'll be just from them.
Mom, One of my old roommates had foot fungus...and now I think my kasama has it. Its there any foot spray that kills fungus? .
Sorry no time and I got to go now. But your all great thanks for the support.

Sis Han